Thursday 25 October 2018

Let´s talk about ART in our UNIT 2

Hi everybody!!!

Let´s face our new unit about ART. Are you interested in ART?? What kind of art expressions you know?? Let me know your interests and habits in terms of art.
Wacht the video I suggest you to become an original artist for your friends and family.




  1. Hi I'm José Domingo and I like art, only musical art, cartoons and graffiti because I find them very interesting, besides playing the guitar and doing some graffiti in a notebook.

  2. Hello Ascen!
    I'm Ramon García and I am going to tell you my conception about the Art.
    In my opinion, Art is a beautiful thing to do but I only like the musical art and some modalities of the plastic art like pottery,sculpture and cartoons. I don't like the other plastic art modalities because I am not good at.
    I know about sculpture, cartoons, graffitis, drawings, photographes, write and,in Spain, the bull fights.
    In my home, I practise the guitar and I draw pictures that I considered interesting.

  3. Hello I´m Beatriz Vicente and I am going to answer the questions about art:
    1. Yes, I´m very interested in art, because I like express myself painting pictures, taking photos, dancing, playing the guitar...

    2. I know about some kind of art expressions: the music, the sculpture, dance, the literature, paint….

    3. I Know play the guitar, dance, sing, take photos, paint, roller skating…

    CU 😉

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  5. Hi, I am Jose Manuel Baz Gómez and I am going to answer the questionsq.
    1- I don't like art in general but only arts I like are music and graffiti because in my opinion, are very interesting and very beautiful.
    2- I know some tipes of art as music, drawing, painting, graffiti, sculpture...

  6. Hi, I'm Carlos Barba. I do not like art very much, but I do cartoons and some songs. I like playing the guitar a bit.

  7. Hi,I´m Beatriz de las Heras.
    I like art,because in my opinion it looks beautiful and make many objects.
    I would like to learn to create.


  8. Hi.I`m Alejandro Zurdo.
    I like art beacause it is a way of expressing oneself towards the world.I konw muscic,ballet,graffiti,bullfigting,painting...
    I don`t practise any art concept.
