Monday 1 October 2018


Hi everybody!!!

Let´s face our first project of the is titled: AMAZING FOOD AROUND THE WORLD!!

To develop this project, you just have to follow these guidelines:

  1. Make a research on the Internet, looking for unusual and curious dishes of food around the world.
  2. Choose a recipe or dish you consider interesting to share with your classmates.
  3. Design a poster presentation taking into consideration the following aspects: name, ingredients, location, characteristics, if it is eaten in a special day or moment in a year or if it is daily eaten...
  4. Elaborate a presentation, you can decide your framework (powerpoint, prezi, moviemaker...) In it you can include titles but written text is FORBIDDEN. I want you to overcome your fears  and try to be fluent and natural when you speak English.
  5. This project is going to be done working in PAIRS.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions and doubts about it.

Deadline 22nd october.

Good luck and enjoy the project!!!


  1. Hi Ascen!
    Our names are Rubén Alfonso López and Ramón García Díaz and we are going to expose our restaurant review:
    Are you looking for a good pizza? Go to Carlos' pizzeria and here you find it. This fast food restaurant is in 98 Duck Street and it is open all the days from 19:00 to 24:00. Its telephone number is 923224879.
    It is famous for its tasty pizzas, but there also some desserts like brownie, chocolate cake..., and for its chilli cheese balls make with authentic Ghost chilli.
    In my opinion it is a very good place because the pizzas are homemade, my favourite is the barbacue pizza, and it is a restaurant for families because there are dishes for all the people of your family.
    I recommend you!
    I hope I help you choosing a place to eat!
    Rubén and Ramón.


  2. Hello everyone!

    Our names are Lucia Sánchez and Beatriz Vicente, and we are going to present our review of ¡OMG! Restaurant

    Name: ¡OMG!
    Type: Fast food restaurant.

    Basic information:
    The restaurant is in 23 Fraud Avenue in Comic City. It is opened when it feels like. The boss of the restaurant has a cat, named Misifu, that when you eat fish, it goes up on the table and it eats your fish.

    Menu: Sea food: All frieds

    Prawns 50£
    Shrimps 50£
    Crabs 61£
    Fish and chips 68´99£

    Water: 20£/30ml.

    Opinión: In our opinion this restaurant is complety dirty and smells so bad. We dont´t recommend you to go there.

  3. Hi Ascen!Our names are Alejandro Zurdo,Elena Gallego and Jose Domingo Garcia and here is our restaurant.

    Do you want to eat well ? Come to La Mancha restuarant and taste spanish food and enjoy spanish muscic with dancing in live.

    La Mancha has got a typic spanish menú.For first course you can choose paella or madrlenian casserole.The main dish are bull tail or trype and for dessert there are rice with milk or lemon mousse.
    I really recommend La Mancha beacause,it has gota great food and it is very visited by famous people.

  4. Hello Ascen.
    We are Carlos and José Manuel.
    Our restaurant name is Guano Restaurant.
    Are you looking for a great place yo eat? Don't try to Guano Restaurant atte 324 Jeans Street un Indonesia.
    This disgustihing restaurant is open for 12:00 to 00:00.
    The menu is baked belt, fried hat, raw nail and sheep eyes with sugar.
    In our opinion it is a bad restaurand and the foot is disgusting

  5. Tino and Beatriz said,

    Hi this is our restaurant:

    Name of the restaurant:Unamuno restaurant.
    Type of restaurant: fast food.

    It is a restaurant lead for students, you eat in desks and you eat with school material.
    This restaurant is a type of fast food, because this food like the students. you have got very different types of hamburgers, pizzas and pasta.
    I really recommend this restaurant because remind us old times.

    Bye, written by Tino García and Beatriz de las Heras
