Tuesday 22 October 2019


Hi guys!!

Some people share the opinion that everything in our life is ART. It depends on how you look at things...that you consider art to the most insignificant details and items in your daily activities.

So, to break the ice with this unit...I want you to make a comment about how important art is in your life. You must give me reasons to your answer. 

Hope you enjoy this unit!!!

Here you are a video about gifted people at the writing art. You can also express your opinion about this video at the comment.



  1. For me art is very important in our lives because it makes you learn, you can make art with letters, with shapes ... I think that many things that surround us are art, even music, and for me art does more life is beautiful, there are many types of art that some of you learn more and others less, but in general I like it a lot. and art can have different meanings for people.
    I liked the video a lot, I love art!

  2. I think art is quite important in our life because it's the way people can express their thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. The art is not just paintings, art can also be a drawing, a book, a poem, a song, etc, and that's what makes art something unique and essential in our life.
    The video is very nice, it's awesome what some people can make.

  3. Art is important to me because with it you can express thoughts or your feelings with drawings,colors or shapes.I love the video is very interesting.

  4. For me, art is something important, since with it we can express our feelings. I liked the video a lot, I saw how some people created different drawings

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think the art of drawing, sculpting and painting is amazing. But for me the greatest art is writing, my great admiration for it is that by writing you are expressing your feelings and combining it with the imagination makes it even more incredible.

      And finally,I loved some of the drawings in the video, some are the cátcus, the fox with a duck hat and the deck of cards.

  6. For me, art is a way of expressing the exclusive freedom of the human being. Art is everything that you have created and you say that it is art. Art is beauty and everything you want it to be.

  7. I think the art is a way to have fun, clear yourself and forget everything. For me the art are the things are well done.

  8. For me art is very important, because it's a way of expressing your feelings, emotions, how you see life, society, how you percive things, it's a way of letting off create drawings, music, sculpture, dancing, desing. But, over all, doing things you love.

    And the video is amezing. This kind of people surprise me.

  9. Art is an important thing in my life.
    I like much painting, I see to art in everything: the colors of the flowers, the sun,...
    The world is an amazing work of art!

  10. Art for me is a way of expressing people that cannot be achieved otherwise. My favorite art form is music.

  11. Valeria said,

    I think the video is very cool and I think that art is very creative and is a way to express feelings and my favorite art is to sing.


  12. there are different types of art, such as: music, paintings, sculptures ... the one I like the most personally is music, because it relaxes me and makes me happy


  13. Art is very important for me, because I feel identified with some work, especially with paintings, because they express emotions, feelings, ideas ...
