Sunday 31 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

We are about to finish our "weird" academic, this activity is going to be the last one. We are overwhelmed by technology at this coronavirus period so that is the reason why we are going to design a project about Hi-Tech Solutions (High Technology solutions) in our current life. Unit 9 in your student´s book is related to this.

You have to follow several steps to organize your project:

  • First, make a research about how Hi-Tech inventions are helping us in every area of our lives.
  • Second, choose or select an aspect that calls your attention: Technology and health, technology and nature, technology and animals, technology and future houses, etc...and show us how important it would be for the development of our future life. You will expose this topic throughout a presentation, I don´t mind the format (video, powerpoint, prezi...whatever you want)
  • At your presentation, you will have to deal with the following aspects:
  1. Introduction of the topic you have chosen
  2. Give reasons why you consider it so important in our life.
  3. Consequences for our present or future life using this Hi-Tech invention
  4. Conclusion.
  5. You can accompany your presentation with videos or photos about the topic you are dealing it.
  6. Deadline: 19th June.
Let me know all your doubts about it and next year we will work harder to deal with the aspect we couldn´t practise at this academic year.

Good luck and take care a lot!!!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Let´s focus on unit 8

Hi guys!!!

We are about to finish May and during this week, we will focus on PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE  and particles FOR AND SINCE. To study this tense, we will check your grammar appendix on your workbook page 112 and your grammar section at your student´s book on pages 88 and 89. And you will also watch a video with some explanations about it.

After checking all this stuff, could you please, do exercises 1,3,4,6,7 on page 88 and 8,9,10,11 on page 89.? Deadline: 28th May

Good luck guys!!

Take care a lot!!!

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

I hope HEALTH shines at your families and at home. Let´s stop for a while to make a quick review of some grammar concepts we have checked during this academic course.

Could you please do REVIEW 2, exercises 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 pages 72,73?

Deadline: 19th MAY

Let´s move on now to some cultural bytes, this time a video about London from a different point of view. I hope you enjoy it and when you finish watching it, please send me an audio with your opinion about the video and the things you like most about London. Deadline: 19th May.



Tuesday 5 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

In general, you are working great so, I decided to move on to something cultural...what we call cultural bytes!!

I want you to watch this video and learn new vocabulary related to a current topic: SURVIVAL.

After watching this video, I want you to send me an audio talking about what Survival means in your life and experiences of survival in your life. Deadline: 11th May.

That´s all for now!!! Enjoy and take care a lot!!