Sunday 12 January 2020


Hi guys!!!

We start our term with an interesting topic: TRAVELLING. So the first project is going to be related to this issue.

You are going to design a TRAVEL BLOG. To elaborate this project, you should follow these steps:

  1. At the computing room we will open a blog account and you have to name your blog.
  2. You are going to share with other people the trip of your dreams, so think about the place you would like to visit and search on the net as much information as you can.
  3. You are going to upload several entries at your blog: one of them about the economical information of your trip, that´s to say, your trip´s budget, other about the most important places to visit, other about accomodation and the last one about some anecdotes you lived at your trip. All entries should be accompanied by pictures.
At this project, I will take into consideration, writing, details. creativity and originality. This project deadline would be 10th March.