Sunday 31 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

We are about to finish our "weird" academic, this activity is going to be the last one. We are overwhelmed by technology at this coronavirus period so that is the reason why we are going to design a project about Hi-Tech Solutions (High Technology solutions) in our current life. Unit 9 in your student´s book is related to this.

You have to follow several steps to organize your project:

  • First, make a research about how Hi-Tech inventions are helping us in every area of our lives.
  • Second, choose or select an aspect that calls your attention: Technology and health, technology and nature, technology and animals, technology and future houses, etc...and show us how important it would be for the development of our future life. You will expose this topic throughout a presentation, I don´t mind the format (video, powerpoint, prezi...whatever you want)
  • At your presentation, you will have to deal with the following aspects:
  1. Introduction of the topic you have chosen
  2. Give reasons why you consider it so important in our life.
  3. Consequences for our present or future life using this Hi-Tech invention
  4. Conclusion.
  5. You can accompany your presentation with videos or photos about the topic you are dealing it.
  6. Deadline: 19th June.
Let me know all your doubts about it and next year we will work harder to deal with the aspect we couldn´t practise at this academic year.

Good luck and take care a lot!!!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Let´s focus on unit 8

Hi guys!!!

We are about to finish May and during this week, we will focus on PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE  and particles FOR AND SINCE. To study this tense, we will check your grammar appendix on your workbook page 112 and your grammar section at your student´s book on pages 88 and 89. And you will also watch a video with some explanations about it.

After checking all this stuff, could you please, do exercises 1,3,4,6,7 on page 88 and 8,9,10,11 on page 89.? Deadline: 28th May

Good luck guys!!

Take care a lot!!!

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

I hope HEALTH shines at your families and at home. Let´s stop for a while to make a quick review of some grammar concepts we have checked during this academic course.

Could you please do REVIEW 2, exercises 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 pages 72,73?

Deadline: 19th MAY

Let´s move on now to some cultural bytes, this time a video about London from a different point of view. I hope you enjoy it and when you finish watching it, please send me an audio with your opinion about the video and the things you like most about London. Deadline: 19th May.



Tuesday 5 May 2020


Hi guys!!!

In general, you are working great so, I decided to move on to something cultural...what we call cultural bytes!!

I want you to watch this video and learn new vocabulary related to a current topic: SURVIVAL.

After watching this video, I want you to send me an audio talking about what Survival means in your life and experiences of survival in your life. Deadline: 11th May.

That´s all for now!!! Enjoy and take care a lot!!

Tuesday 28 April 2020


Hi everybody!!

How is it going?? I hope all of you and your families are well.

Let´s start unit 7. Throughout this unit we will deal with future tenses and Conditionals (type 1).

To work with future tenses:

I am aware that you have already worked with future tenses so, as a kind of review, you will check your grammar appendix in your workbook page 110 and you are going to do exercises from your student´s book. Exercises 1,2,4 page 78 and 5,6,8 page 79. Deadline: 5thMay

To work with conditionals:

You are going to watch a video about conditionals in general (Type 0, 1, 2, 3). Next year we are going to study all of them, this year we are obliged to know how conditional type 1 works. Firstly, watch this video:

Check this video with the explanation of conditionals, 0,1,2,3 and please, do exercises 9,10 on page 79. Send me a photo of them via mobile or email. Deadline 3rd May

Practice exercises on-line  JUST  with  conditional type 1 at this link: .  For me to see you have done it, do a screen capture or shoot and send me. Deadline, 3rd May.

And to put in practice what you have learnt with future tenses and conditionals, you have to imagine your life in 30 years and you have to design a powerpoint presentation or any other format, (genially, prezi, video) to tell me, HOW YOUR LIFE WILL BE IN 30 YEARS. (minimum 10 slides and maximum 15). How your life will be in 30 years in terms of family, friends, house, work etc. Be as creative and original as you can. Deadline: 6th May.

Good luck guys!!! Let me know all your doubts and take care a lot.

Monday 13 April 2020


Hi guys!!!

How is it going?? How are you and your families? I hope everything goes well. I keep my fingers crossed.

As you know, your marks for this 3rd term are going to be evaluated thoroughout all the work we do  from 13th March till we don´t know yet, but probably May or June.

We are going to work one unit per two weeks.

Let´s start unit 6. 

  1. To begin with, we will review MODAL VERBS in two videos : Modal verbs, part 1; Modal verbs, part 2; with a good explanation of how they works and their different functions checking the videos you have above
  2. Now, you have watched these videos and understand the uses and functions of modal verbs, please, do exercises 1, 3,6,7,8,9 page 67 (send me a photo of these exercises via mobile or email). Deadline:  20th April
  3. This unit is about FASHION. Are you a fashionable person?? On page 68, you have vocabulary related to fashion.

         DESIGNER (diseñador), ELEGANT (elegante), LATEST (a la última), TRENDY (tendencioso), OLD-FASHIONED (pasado de moda), HOT (De moda, que rompe), OUTDATED (caducado), FASHIONABLE(moderno), TIGHT (ajustado), FORMAL (formal), AFFORDABLE (a precio asequible), COMFORTABLE (cómodo), CASUAL (informal), PRACTICAL (práctico), LOOSE (suelto, flojo)

Find a photo of a celebrity or someone who defines your style or your way of understanding fashion and give me characteristics of that style written next to the photo you have previously chosen. Deadline: 24th April

4. Check your writing at page 71 about and Advice column response. Pay attention to adjective order: OPINION/ SIZE/ COLOUR

I am going to give you a situation and you have to write your advice Ok?

Dear Mary, 

I have to go to a family wedding and I have to read something special for the bride and the groom so I should be dressed very elegant but it is not comfortable for me because I have never dressed so formal. In some way I am obliged to do it but I don´t want to. Could you help me with that? Thanks a lot. John.

Write your advice column to this situation above. Send me via email. Deadline 26th April.


During this  quarantine we are going to continue designing our blog. We are going to add two more entries.

  • Our landmarks at our trip: it means the cultural places you have visited: museums, castles, amusement parks, etc...
  • Another entry it would be a photo or video telling some anecdotes at your trip.

Remember that before all this situation, we were doing an entry related to our budget for the trip, you can see it in our blog. When you finish these new entries you should send me your blog address in a email for me to correct and check your work at your travelling blog ok?. Deadline for the blog: 30thApril.

Good luck and let me know all your doubts via mobile or email.

Take care a lot and we continue working!!! Do our best!!


Friday 13 March 2020


Hi guys!!

Here we are!! You are not going to attend to class so, our work must be done at home. Please, organize your time, be aware of the importance of following instructions to fight coronavirus and STAY AT HOME. Feel this time as an opportunity to do things you usually cannot do. Enjoy your family, your time and SEIZE THE MOMENT being responsable and collaborating with our society.


  1. Do all exercises from your workbook unit 5
  2. Write a book review
  3. Design the entry for our travel blog. Throughtout these two weeks I will send you other entries to publish at your blog (2 or 3)
  4. Record a video and send me via email or mobile titled: My life at home facing CORONAVIRUS.

IMPORTANT: Your video must be sent to my email or mobile, the rest of activities we correct them when we come back to school. 

Any doubts or difficulties, let me know at my email account:



Friday 14 February 2020


Hi guys!!!

We continue designing our travel blog. Once you have written your welcome entry, now, we are going to focus on OUR FIRST TRIP BUDGET.

To elaborate this budget, you should consider the following items:

MEANS OF TRANSPORT you are going to use
ACCOMODATION (hotel, bungalow, airbnb, youth hostel, camping...)
MEALS (restaurants, sandwiches...)

All your budget must be real. You should take decisions about it and you must bear in mind the type of trip you want to live...low cost trip, luxury trip, backpack trip....

Elaborate this entry and wait for new instructions for next entry at your amazing travel blog.

GOOD luck guys!!

Sunday 12 January 2020


Hi guys!!!

We start our term with an interesting topic: TRAVELLING. So the first project is going to be related to this issue.

You are going to design a TRAVEL BLOG. To elaborate this project, you should follow these steps:

  1. At the computing room we will open a blog account and you have to name your blog.
  2. You are going to share with other people the trip of your dreams, so think about the place you would like to visit and search on the net as much information as you can.
  3. You are going to upload several entries at your blog: one of them about the economical information of your trip, that´s to say, your trip´s budget, other about the most important places to visit, other about accomodation and the last one about some anecdotes you lived at your trip. All entries should be accompanied by pictures.
At this project, I will take into consideration, writing, details. creativity and originality. This project deadline would be 10th March.